Thursday, August 15, 2019

Thurg's Alley Defense (2019 August)

Thurg walked down the alleyway, dusty and dirty, filth all around. His darkness, emanating out from his half possession, worsened the dim lighting farther. As he stepped, he heard movement behind him. A step, a rise, an unsheathing. The hidden thief leapt at him, but Thurg's harsh life had made him aware. In a swift turn, he had grabbed his axe from behind and swung it across the thief, gashing him deep and sending him crashing into the barrel behind. The impact was great, and the thief's dagger flew out of his hand with such force.

Thurg's an OC of mine.

Micron pens scanned and colored with Krita.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Vil'ya (2019 August 8)

Presenting a new character: Vil'ya!

A lady of the forest, she has control of the vines as a power, as here she's commanding some from her hand. Around her neck, she wears the core of a small tree trunk, rather like the size of a branch. She feels at home in the wilds.

I kind of created Vil'ya on a whim while doing a "let's both draw whatever" with a friend of mine and then later inked and colored her.

-My Site

Monday, August 5, 2019

Digging Onix (2019 August 5)

Here's another pokemon for you: Onix

One of the original ones, a giant burrowing rocky worm pokemon.

New and old, there's a lot of cool pokemon designs :)

Vil'ya (1 January 2020)

Here's another pic of Vil'ya, a lady at home in nature and the forest, with the power to control vines. It's been a busy...